Saturday, August 20, 2011

Last post of the Term, feelings on blogging

Blogging for our LA Ace originally seemed like an uphill task, as if it was not achievable, whereby we had to complete 30 blog posts, as well as comment on our classmate's blog posts.
However, after having completed it all, which includes this post, it is no longer an uphill task. All we need to do simply is to get a topic close to us and blog about it, and it can be about anything. As long as one pays attention to their affairs around them, it will be easy for that person to blog about it. Since each blog posts has to be substantial, I had to spend quite some time completing each blog post, and thus there is a need for a huge amount of time management, because without it, and also along with our busy schedules, we will then be unable to complete all our posts as well as comments.
Blogging has indeed brought about many benefits to me. Firstly, it allows be to develop my critical thinking skills as I will have to at times, comment on my classmates' post, as well as think about how to write my post. Next, it allows me to manage my time better, as I have to set time aside in order to finish up my various blog posts. Blogging too allows me to express my feelings, and thus gain more opinions as people are able to comment on my posts. Last but not least, blogging allows me to gain various other alternative point views, from the various comments, thus allowing me to analyse the issue and listen to other's opinions.
All in all, I have enjoyed the blogging experience.


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