Saturday, March 13, 2010


How to train your dragon advertisement

This advertisement has used a long shot angle which has shown the character of the movie in an environment. As the advertisement is a bit unclear, it adds suspense to the movie. The advertisement is also quite "dark' thus there are not many details in the advertisement, but the viewers of it can see the outline of shapes well, which allows one to be curious about what is actually in the picture. The advertisement also shows a certain character holding onto a torch from afar, which may seem like a flash of light or a signal for help, depending on one's perspective, which lastly adds suspense to the movie and make viewers of the poster want to watch the movie.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Intrapersonal Question a

Title: Journal according to Joe Carp.
April 25
Today, Charlie came back to work and he managed to figure out a new way to line up the machines in the factory and it will help my boss, Mr. Donnegen save up to ten thousand dollars a year and Charlie even got a bonus for it. Many people talked about it and we have all come to a conclusion that Charlie is indeed getting smarter and smarter after the operation. We also had a feeling that Charlie has already figured out that we have made fun of him, and we were all afraid that he will play those tricks back on us. We had a few more discussions about Charlie. Of course, all these was done behind Charlie's back. I guess it will be better that way so that I will not look stupid in other people's eyes as compared to Charlie. Mr. Donnegen had better not fire people as i could overhear from the conversation that Charlie had with him that his plan would help to save labor costs. I hope that i would still be able to maintain my job. Well, today Frank and I also agreed that we should avoid Charlie at all cost as he should have already understood the pranks that we played on him and what it means to play a good one on Charlie and also in case that Charlie plays those tricks back on us and make us look like we are stupid. The group of us also have come to a decision to stop talking to Charlie. I hope that Charlie will quit his job soon so that we will look better in Mr. Donnegen's eyes.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Multiple intelligence test.

Today, i have finally done my multiple intelligence test. The test says that i have an intrapersonal intelligence. If you do not believe, here is the code: wlr2v8sxs82496j.
I agree with the test that i have indeed an intrapersonal intelligence, which means that i am people-intelligence. I know this as when my friends are upset or something has affected their mood, i would definitely know about it and help to cheer my friends up. Being people-intelligence means that i must also know how to read other people's mood which is what i can do and sort of love to do. Thus, i indeed do agree with this test and i find it very accurate.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Today, we had our first CA mock session. It was not very well done as most of our points were not linked to the topic which was "What it means to be a singaporean." Miss Yeo said that we would have all failed if it was the real session. Although i was just an accessor, i learnt from the mistakes in the inner circle. Most of their points did not link back to the main topic or back to the question. I believe that the next CA session, we should all be more prepared by linking points of article back to the main point. We should also be more organised as the session was quite messy. We should be attentive to others as they speak as i realise some of those in the inner circle did not respect others and cut in while they were speaking. By doing so, this would lower their grade. Lastly, we should always try our best and try to score as much as possible.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LA test

My english test is coming soon, which would be a composition.Today, Mr Teo gave us tips on a composition. In the first paragraph, there must be an expostion which consists of place, time, character and the vivid size,looks and emotion. In the 2nd paragraph, there would be a complication which would leave to tension. In the 3rd paragraph, the tension would peak to a confrontation. In the 4th paragraph, it would say how things are resolved. We are to note not to end with the cliff hanging. In addition, we must also not use short forms, contractions, slang and vulgarities in our composition. Mr Teo also gave us the assessment for the composition, which helped us to note about certain points and what we must do in order to score for a certain band. I hope that i can score well for this coming language arts test.

Our first Essay

Today, I have finally written the first essay. The essay is about the story of Flowers For Algernon(FFA). We needed to apply the PEE which was stated in the previous blog post. Writing the essay was quite tough and i needed help from Mr Teo sometimes. Some time later, Mr Teo gave us back our essay. He gave us lots of comments and how we could improve on our essays. I am intending to rewrite my essay and have done so. I got a C+ for this essay. We also paired up with our buddy beforehand and gave each others comments on the essay. This lesson was very interesting as it has taught me on how to write an essay in the right way and it also prepared us for the future essays.

Essay Writing

Today, Mr Teo taught us on essay writing. We would be learning how to do expository writing now. In the expository writing, there must be a introduction,body and finally a conclusion. In the introduction, there must be a "grabber" which capture a reader's attention. It must also set the context which is who,what,when,why,where and finally how. It must also consist of the thesis, which states the main point of essay. In the body, there should be three paragraphs, which ought to consist of 1 point in each paragraph. In each paragraph, we should always P(point) E(elaborate) and E(example). Lastly, the conclusion must consist of the restatement of thesis and the statement that encourages furthur talk on the issue. Mr Teo also gave us a sample five paragraph essay. He told us about two types of essay, which are the argumentative essay, which argues about the point of view and expository essay which presents points to readers.

Essay Writing(Plan)

Today, Mr Teo went through our essay writing plan. I have decided to write about the significance of the realistic settings in Flowers for Algernon(FFA). Certain realistic settings are that it occurs in realistic environment, it does not have a closure. I am now going to talk about the physical environment of (FFA). The physical environment is real as there are certain things such as the house which Charlie Gordon stays in which is rented, the story is based in present time New York, there is a night school in the story and there are also jobs and collegues in the factory. Now, I will talk about the characters. There are many characters. One such character is Miss Kinnian, who taught Charlie Gordon in the night school. She was very kind-hearted and she represented people who treat mentally retarded people in reality kindly. There is also Algernon, who was a laboratory rat. Just in reality, laboratory rats are also used in experiments. There is also Frank and Joe, who are Charlie Gordon's collegues in the factory. At the beginning, they befriended Charlie Gordon, as he was mentally retarded but after the operation, they avoided him. Both Frank and Joe represent people who have an inferior complex in reality. Lastly, there are also people like Doctor.Nemur, who abandoned Charlie Gordon after the failed experiment. He represented those who are afraid of failure in reality.


Today, Mr Teo also told us to reach a short story with the title of Flowers for Algernon(FFA). The story was written by Daniel Keyes in 1959. The story is about a mentally retarded person named Charlie Gordon.He faced many set backs just like how many mentally retarted people are facing now. He is often teased by his co-workers. The story also has a very realistic settings, which i would talk about in the next post. Finally, the story does not have a perfect ending, thus allowing readers to think for ourselves and to reflect upon our own actions and how we may have treated mentally retarded people.


Today, Mr Teo taught us how a story is set. In a story, there would always be a plot. The plot could lead to many things such as the exposition, which leads to setting, which leads to place, characters,time and events. It could lead to a complication, which would lead to tension or conflict. The conflict could be between a character and another character, character and environment and finally within the character itself. Conflict between character and character would usually be known as protagonist versus antangonist. The protagonist is the main character and the antangonist is the problem. The plot would also lead to a climax and a resolution.
Mr Teo also taught us about narrative styles which comprises of point of view, form, metaphors and language.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog about it

Mr. Teo told us that this blog will be worth ACE points. He gave us some tips and guidelines on how to blog and he also gave us a newspaper article, which told us about a blogger being arrested for posting alledgedly racist comments on his blog. In my opinon, I feel that he should not even do such a thing, as racial harmony is very important. If there is no racial harmony in the world, there would be chaos everywhere and certain races may be ostracised or ill-treated. Lastly, Mr Teo gave us a blog review rubrics, which would help us when we blog, thus allowing us to acheive more ACE points. I feel that this is very good as it allows us to know how we would be graded, thus allowing us to be more prepared and how we should blog. We must also look out for things such as grammer and spelling mistakes. Mr Teo also told us to write about what we thought about the features of a blog, such as how the entries are arranged, whether the blog is public, and what narrative is it in. Although i was quite shocked when i got this assignment as i was unsure of what to do, but luckily, Mr Teo was around and guided us on how to do it.


I am Koh Qian Siang Gordon from 1i1. My register number is 15. This blog would be used for my LA subject. I am currently 13. My birthday is on 20th february.My LA teacher is Mr. Edmund Teo. We call him Mr. Teo.