Friday, February 19, 2010


Today, we had our first CA mock session. It was not very well done as most of our points were not linked to the topic which was "What it means to be a singaporean." Miss Yeo said that we would have all failed if it was the real session. Although i was just an accessor, i learnt from the mistakes in the inner circle. Most of their points did not link back to the main topic or back to the question. I believe that the next CA session, we should all be more prepared by linking points of article back to the main point. We should also be more organised as the session was quite messy. We should be attentive to others as they speak as i realise some of those in the inner circle did not respect others and cut in while they were speaking. By doing so, this would lower their grade. Lastly, we should always try our best and try to score as much as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that we should organise our thoughts and at the same time respect the speaker. I think that being attentive to the one speaking not only shows respect but also allows one to listen into another's point of view. This way, we all can easily stimulate new ideas. A part of CA is to share our opinions with each other. Bringing up more ideas will make the session more interesting. Of course, the ideas brought up muust be relevant to the topic. or else it is the same as wasting each other's time.
