Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog about it

Mr. Teo told us that this blog will be worth ACE points. He gave us some tips and guidelines on how to blog and he also gave us a newspaper article, which told us about a blogger being arrested for posting alledgedly racist comments on his blog. In my opinon, I feel that he should not even do such a thing, as racial harmony is very important. If there is no racial harmony in the world, there would be chaos everywhere and certain races may be ostracised or ill-treated. Lastly, Mr Teo gave us a blog review rubrics, which would help us when we blog, thus allowing us to acheive more ACE points. I feel that this is very good as it allows us to know how we would be graded, thus allowing us to be more prepared and how we should blog. We must also look out for things such as grammer and spelling mistakes. Mr Teo also told us to write about what we thought about the features of a blog, such as how the entries are arranged, whether the blog is public, and what narrative is it in. Although i was quite shocked when i got this assignment as i was unsure of what to do, but luckily, Mr Teo was around and guided us on how to do it.

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