Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Know: What do i already know about prejudice?
Prejudice means a certain sense of unfairness to a certain person, who is deemed by the society to be of a lower standard than a normal person. It also means a unfavorable feeling formed towards a certain group of people or person without any knowledge about them, or without any evidence beforehand.
Want: What do i want to learn/know about prejudice?
I want to learn how does prejudice work in this society and also how prejudice can be shown or analysed from texts. I also want to know about how it actually affects people, as well as the effects of prejudice.
Learn: What have i learnt about prejudice?
I have learnt that prejudice is not only about skin colours and races, but it is also between nationality, and also the fact that prejudice cannot be seen or felt unless it is in the form of discrimination, whereby there is a biased view against a certain person. Prejudice can also affect people in many ways, such as them having mental abuse, whereby a certain group of people may discriminate against a person and tease him or her. Prejudice also affects many things, such as people's thoughts against a person who is being discriminated. I have also learnt that prejudice is caused by differences from person to person and it also comes in many forms such as bigotry,stereotyping and also discrimination. Lastly, i have learnt that prejudice tends to lead to prejudice which is a vicious cycle, and that prejudice cannot be removed from society totally.

Please note that most of what i have actually learnt is actually in the mindmap done by our group, which consists of Leonard Goh, Kenneth Pay, Eliel and myself. (: Have fun looking at the mindmap.

~Gordon (:

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