Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog Prompt: Reflection

Reflect on the phrase, 'Anyone is guilty who watches this and does nothing'. What have you done when you have seen people being discriminated against? What more can you do the next time you witness discrimination taking place?

For the first time, when i saw discrimination taking place in my primary school, i did not really do anything. I just stood aside. At that time, i was just in primary 1, when i saw some other classmates bullying an Indian classmate. I was actually afraid of being the target instead and thus i stood aside. However, for the next few times when i was in upper primary, i just stood out to tell them to stop it or i would inform a teacher who is nearby but was not aware of the situation. If i stood up, normally i would have to argue with them, but after some time, a teacher would notice the commotion and would come to clarify what has happened. As for the other solution, the teacher would just simply give the boys a scolding.

Next time, if i witness discrimination taking place, i would try to stand up for that person, if it is within my power. If not, i will inform people of higher authorities, such as an adult, who i hope will help by stepping in to tell those people to stop. If i do stand up for that person, i would try to reason with them, and ask them “how they would feel if they were discriminated”. I believe that most discrimination cases actually only take place mainly in school for the Singapore context, because i believe that when we have all grown up, we would actually understand other races in Singapore better, and we would not discriminate against them. Since they tend to take place mainly in school, i would simply just find a teacher and ask him or her for help, as i believe that this is the best and most effective way.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Blog Prompt: Did i like Mississippi Burning?

I like Mississippi Burning, because of the fact that it shows the racial segregation and the treatment of the blacks by the KKK at that time.
The story is basically about two FBI agents, with very different working styles, arrive in Mississippi to investigate about the missing civil rights activists. Along the way, they discovered how the whites in Mississippi treated the blacks as well as how the KKK ill-treated the blacks there. The story actually ends with the FBI agents finding out that the civil right activists were dead, and then the KKK’s leaders being punished and being sent to jail.
This story clearly shows what happened in the past, and how whites in the past did, just because of the fact that they felt that they were ‘superior’. It also shows the acts of the KKK, and their authority at that point in time, before the FBI agents came in to put an end to things.
The reason why i actually do like this movie is due to the fact that it is actually based on real life facts and not really exaggerated. The KKK at that time, burnt down churches of the black, which was where they gathered at, killed and attacked the blacks, not sparing a thought for the children or even the elderly, and they also lynched the blacks for no apparent reason. Next, i also like this video because of the gory details. It clearly depicts what happened, and allowed the viewers to actually see the movie unfolding instead of the movie telling. This allows the viewers to actually feel for the blacks, and to have a critical viewpoint towards the KKK. Lastly, i like the movie because of the ending. The ending clearly depicted how the FBI agents allowed the law to catch up with the KKK and also expose their deeds and give them their deserved punishment, thus showing poetic justice.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Comments on classmates' posts on their blogs.

Dear Miss Huang,

These are the comments which i have made, for easy reference:-
1. Keven Loo:"Blog prompt-TKAM: Ending of the Novel"
2. Kenneth Pay:"To Kill A Mockingbird Focus Activity"
3.Raphael Chang:"Blog Prompt 3 :)"
4. Daniel Tan: "Original Poems by Yours Truly"
5. Glenn Ang:"Superstition"
6. Leonard Goh:"Put into Someone's shoe-To Kill a Mockingbird"
7. Tan Jiefeng:"Did the ending of the story surprised you? If you were the author, would you have ended the story differently?Explain."
8. Chen Jiun Wei: "Superstitions"
9. Ching Kai Xiang:"Superstition and Religion"
10.Keven Loo:"Blog Prompt-Superficial Superstition"

Gordon 2i115


Hi guys, today I shall talk about some superstitions and give my viewpoints about these superstitions.

Firstly, I shall list out the superstitions.
Seeing a black cat is equal to having bad luck.
Walking under a ladder gives you bad luck
Wearing black clothes during Chinese new year will give you bad luck for the whole year.
During the first day of Chinese New year we cannot sweep the floor as we will sweep away the good luck.
Friday the thirteen is a day of bad luck.

Next, I shall talk about how I feel of each superstition.

Seeing a black cat is equal to having bad luck.
I feel that this is not true. I have come across many black cats before, and they even crossed my path, but after that, nothing actually happened to me. There was no such “bad luck” thing that happened to me.

Walking under a ladder gives you bad luck.
I am not very sure about this, due to the fact that I am actually quite tall, and I do not see ladders quite often, I have never walked under a ladder before.

Wearing black clothes during Chinese New Year will give you bad luck for the whole year.
For the past few years, I have not really challenged this superstition. Firstly, my parents sort of believe in this and they never approve me of wearing black clothes during Chinese New Year. Secondly, my grandparents do not really like me wearing black clothes, and they will nag at me, thus I have decided not to wear black clothes.The closest which I have worn to black is actually purple, and no “bad luck” events actually happened to me.

During the first day of Chinese New Year, we cannot sweep the floor as we will sweep away the good luck.
My whole family actually believes in this, and thus we have never ever swept the floor during the first day of Chinese New Year. Since all of us believe in it, and also the fact that not sweeping the floor for a day is no big deal, we actually do not sweep the floor for one day and only sweep the floor the next day.

Friday the thirteen is a day of bad luck.
I actually do not believe in this. I have made it through many Friday the thirteen, and nothing exceptionally bad happens on the day other than the fact that we may be punished more during trainings, cause of our own mistakes. Other than some chatting around with friends about how “bad” this day could get, nothing bad actually happens.

All in all, I believe that the validity of superstitions is actually in one person’s minds. If one only believes in science, and its explanation, they will not believe in superstitions. However, I still believe in certain superstitions, such as the one about not sweeping the floor during the first day of Chinese New Year. I find that each culture actually has their own set of superstitions, and they are all quite interesting. However, their validity is actually up to the person who reads up on them.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Putting oneself in another person's shoes ( To Kill A Mockingbird)

What does it mean to put oneself in another person’s shoes?

I will now talk about what it means to put oneself in another person’s shoes and also my feelings.

Putting oneself in another person’s shoes simply means that sympathise and not to pity a person. Sympathise means to feel and see things in that person’s perspective whereas pity means that one feel that he is lucky that he is not that person. In order to be able to do this, we must be thinkers, meaning that we must be sensitive and know what affects that person and what possible thoughts would that person have towards that event, and thus be able to make the right comment that will not affect that person negatively.

I feel that putting oneself in another person’s shoes is very important.If all of us are able to put ourself in the other person’s shoes, we would definitely reduce the amount of unnecessary conflicts between ourselves. This is because of the fact that we are able to understand each other and thus, we will know the reasons as to why that person is doing such a thing. For example, if Person A is feeling upset and doing things properly, we must find out why he is doing so. Perhaps, something unfortunate happened to one of his family member or that he is just throwing a tantrum. By doing so, we will know the situation and be able to help that person.

In conclusion, if we are able to put ourselves in another person’s shoes, we will not only be able to help that person, we will always be able to make the right comments and help to understand him.

Lastly, we must also learn from the character of Atticus from the story. He is able to put himself in other characters shoes, for example Bob Ewell even though Bob Ewell actually insulted him and spat him in the face. He is also able to feel for everyone, and understand why they actually committed a certain action.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Friday, February 18, 2011

Personal Response (4)

Harper Lee’s novel is full of interesting and richly painted characters. Which character was your favourite and why?

My favourite character is Atticus Finch. Firstly, I like the way he teaches Scout and Jem. Atticus, actually teaches them the right values, such as not being prejudiced, as compared to other children within the story who are actually biased against Negroes.

Next, I admire him for keeping his calm. After the court case, Bob Ewell scolded and insulted him. Instead of doing the same back to Bob, he actually kept his calm and walked away, and took it that nothing actually happened. If it was me, I do not think that I would actually be able to do that, and that I would actually flare up. Atticus is also witty, in the way of him handling things. He does what is necessary and avoided conflict with others. By doing so, Atticus set a good example and a role model for his children to follow in.

Atticus also defended a Negro with all his effort, and despite losing the case, he was still very persistence to help Tom Robinson. Handling a lawsuit for a Negro at that time was considered a taboo, and that they would be nicknamed “Negro-lover” and would also be ridiculed in public. However, Atticus stuck on, and helped Tom to the best of his efforts. Atticus also understands others. This meant that Atticus always tries to understand the other party before doing anything, and he knows how to put himself into another person’s shoes. This shows the Atticus is actually a very consciences person and that he actually bothers to think from another perspective, unlike other characters who just act based on impulse or similar reasons.

All these are the reasons as to why I feel that Atticus Finch was my favourite character in the short story.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Personal Response (3)

Did the ending of the novel surprise you? If you were the author would you have ended the story differently? Explain.

The ending of the novel surprised me. Mr Bob Ewell died after trying to attack Scout and Jem, and also the fact that Boo actually made an appearance to save them. As the previous parts of the story, describing Boo as a negative person, I did not really expect him to make an appearance in the story at all.

Next, I would have ended the story differently. Firstly, Mr Bob Ewell would not die, but instead, he will be sent to jail. This is to show a punishment for his actions, and also with him being sent to jail, feel that it would give a more satisfactory ending. As compared to just dying, Bob Ewell should also feel how it is like in jail, and how Tom Robinson felt. Other than this, I would not change anything else. Firstly, if I changed the ending to not having Boo appearing, then, Scout and Jem would not look up to Boo and the society of Maycomb would still think that Boo was a “monster”.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Friday, February 11, 2011

Personal Response (2)

As I followed the action in the courtroom, what character did I empathize with most and least? Explain.

I empathized most with Tom Robinson. He was questioned by Bob Ewell’s lawyer harshly, as if he was the guilty one. I believe that to all those who were watching the trial, they would definitely feel that Tom Robinson was innocent, however, Bob Ewell’s lawyer treated Tom Robinson as if he was the guilty one and everything that occurred was all his fault and he had to take up the responsibility and pay for his crime. In the public’s eyes, I believe that they too felt that Tom Robinson was innocent, however, the jury still found him guilty. He was punished for a crime which he had been set up, which was made very obvious to the juries during Atticus’ questionings, however because of the fact that he was a black, he was still found guilty.

I empathised the least with Bob Ewell. The reason being, he framed Tom Robinson for something which he had not done. Next, Bob Ewell just lives off social welfare, and does not doing anything decent for a living. He also lied during the trial and he made others lie along as well.

However, i do empathise with another of the Ewells, who is Mayella Ewell. She was forced by her father to frame the person that helps her with no hesitation. Although, the jury still found Tom Robinson guilty, but it was quite obvious by how Atticus questioned her, that actually shows us that Tom Robinson was actually guilty. At the very least, Mayella showed a sense of guilt about accusing Tom, unlike her father, Bob Ewell. I believe that she felt very bad while accusing Tom, however, she dared not admit it due to her father. This is the main point of why i actually empathise with her. (Point given by Kee Xuan)

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Personal Response (1)

What memories of my own childhood come to mind as I read about Scout's experiences?

As i read about Scout's experiences from the books, lots of memories of my very own childhood came flashing back to me. Firstly, when I read about how Dill and her brother, Jem, hung out together and did not include her with them, I remembered about how my cousins, back then who were already in upper primary treated me whenever we have a gathering. They would just talk among themselves, and as I was from the lower primary, I had no idea about what they were talking about. Whenever, I go near them to ask them about what they were talking about, they would just call me to go away or they would just ignore me.

I also remembered how my cousins only called for me to get them drinks when I was younger whenever they came over to my house, and ignored me for everything else. This was like how Jem and Dill only called for Scout when they were hanging out together.

Next, when I read about how Jem, Scout and Dill believed the myths and rumours of the Radley place, I remembered back then when I was younger, how my cousins ( I have 12 cousins) who were in secondary school, would scare me by telling me tales about what happens when you look into a mirror in the middle of the night and tales like that. Being ignorant at that time, most of us including me, fell for it, and we got spooked for quite some time and did not look at the mirror at all. My parents told me that it was false and not to believe in it just like how Atticus told Jem and Scout, however, like Jem and Scout, I ignored it, and instead decide to look at the mirror in the middle of the night, and nothing happened. Only then, did I not believe in my cousin’s tales. This scenario was just like how Scout and Jem stuck to the rumours until Boo Radley actually came out to help Scout, which was also like my case.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115