Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog Prompt: Did i like Mississippi Burning?

I like Mississippi Burning, because of the fact that it shows the racial segregation and the treatment of the blacks by the KKK at that time.
The story is basically about two FBI agents, with very different working styles, arrive in Mississippi to investigate about the missing civil rights activists. Along the way, they discovered how the whites in Mississippi treated the blacks as well as how the KKK ill-treated the blacks there. The story actually ends with the FBI agents finding out that the civil right activists were dead, and then the KKK’s leaders being punished and being sent to jail.
This story clearly shows what happened in the past, and how whites in the past did, just because of the fact that they felt that they were ‘superior’. It also shows the acts of the KKK, and their authority at that point in time, before the FBI agents came in to put an end to things.
The reason why i actually do like this movie is due to the fact that it is actually based on real life facts and not really exaggerated. The KKK at that time, burnt down churches of the black, which was where they gathered at, killed and attacked the blacks, not sparing a thought for the children or even the elderly, and they also lynched the blacks for no apparent reason. Next, i also like this video because of the gory details. It clearly depicts what happened, and allowed the viewers to actually see the movie unfolding instead of the movie telling. This allows the viewers to actually feel for the blacks, and to have a critical viewpoint towards the KKK. Lastly, i like the movie because of the ending. The ending clearly depicted how the FBI agents allowed the law to catch up with the KKK and also expose their deeds and give them their deserved punishment, thus showing poetic justice.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115


  1. Dear Gordon,
    Just to point out, there were scenes in the movie that was exaggerated. The makers did not want to just go by the history as it may be too boring for the audience. Also i noticed that you said you like the gory details. However, i feel that it was the camera angles that was good just like what Miss Huang said. The camera angles was just right for each scene to fully depict its meaning, which was very good. You should know what are camera angles from the AAP lessons last year. I also feel that it was not the gory details that made the audience feel for the blacks but it was actually the camera angles. That is how important the camera angles are. Hope you consider my comments and reconsider your thoughts.

    Jiun Wei(4)

  2. I agree with Juin Wei. The scene where the mayor was being interrogated and threatened is probably exaggerated. Consider also the scene in which the boy dropped to his knees to pray while everyone around him was being beaten.
