Friday, February 18, 2011

Personal Response (3)

Did the ending of the novel surprise you? If you were the author would you have ended the story differently? Explain.

The ending of the novel surprised me. Mr Bob Ewell died after trying to attack Scout and Jem, and also the fact that Boo actually made an appearance to save them. As the previous parts of the story, describing Boo as a negative person, I did not really expect him to make an appearance in the story at all.

Next, I would have ended the story differently. Firstly, Mr Bob Ewell would not die, but instead, he will be sent to jail. This is to show a punishment for his actions, and also with him being sent to jail, feel that it would give a more satisfactory ending. As compared to just dying, Bob Ewell should also feel how it is like in jail, and how Tom Robinson felt. Other than this, I would not change anything else. Firstly, if I changed the ending to not having Boo appearing, then, Scout and Jem would not look up to Boo and the society of Maycomb would still think that Boo was a “monster”.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115


  1. Hi Gordon,

    I agree that Bob Ewell deserved more than just a quick death. However, I disagree with him going jail since society takes time to change its ways. I feel that Bob should instead be stripped off his privileges so he will understand not just Tom Robinson, but how everyone feels. From there, he can also socialise and develop in his character. However, given his stubborn and alcoholic personality, I think him socialising with others may not actually be the best thing to do.

    I also agree Boo was a hero. He not just saved Scout and Jem, but also repaid their constant annoyance with kindness. He was a true hero within, one able to forgive and save others.

    Kai Xiang

  2. Hi Gordon,

    I agree with your point of changing the story from Bob Ewell dying to him going to jail. I feel that there should be more on Bob Ewell like how he learnt his lesson and also the punishments he would receive. I feel that the book should show Bob Ewell being stripped off all his privilege and also be given a hefty fine and also a long jail term in order to understand his mistake.

    But, i feel that the appearance of Boo was actually quite predictable. You see, there were many clues given by Harper Lee to the readers about Boo, and being a reader, you will read on to find out how Boo actually looks, which means he will make an appearance, or else the readers would feel unhappy. Therefore, i think that his appearance was predictable.

    Jiun Wei 2I1(4)

  3. Dear Gordon,
    I agree with you that Bob Ewell should have gone to jail, that would truly be justice. However, perhaps Harper Lee purposefully made Bob die an accidental death in order to shock the reader, though for what reason I cannot imagine. Perhaps shocking the reader will cause the story to stay in the reader's mind for a longer period of time and thus, her message of prejudice will last longer in people's mind.

    I also agree that the death of Bob Ewell, and thus, the ending of the story, was rather sudden. I had not expected the story to come to a conclusion with such a short and simple incident: Bob Ewell appears, tries to kill the children, Boo Radley(Why was he there anyway? Was the commotion really that loud? Could he have rushed out of his house so quickly?) saves them and Bob Ewell dies.

    Chong Kai En (2i106)

  4. Hello Gordon,

    I disagree with your alternate ending.

    If Mr Bob Ewell was sent to jail, wouldn't it contradict whatever that happened in the court trial that happened earlier in the story? And how would Arthur Radley appear then?

    Best regards,
