Friday, February 18, 2011

Personal Response (4)

Harper Lee’s novel is full of interesting and richly painted characters. Which character was your favourite and why?

My favourite character is Atticus Finch. Firstly, I like the way he teaches Scout and Jem. Atticus, actually teaches them the right values, such as not being prejudiced, as compared to other children within the story who are actually biased against Negroes.

Next, I admire him for keeping his calm. After the court case, Bob Ewell scolded and insulted him. Instead of doing the same back to Bob, he actually kept his calm and walked away, and took it that nothing actually happened. If it was me, I do not think that I would actually be able to do that, and that I would actually flare up. Atticus is also witty, in the way of him handling things. He does what is necessary and avoided conflict with others. By doing so, Atticus set a good example and a role model for his children to follow in.

Atticus also defended a Negro with all his effort, and despite losing the case, he was still very persistence to help Tom Robinson. Handling a lawsuit for a Negro at that time was considered a taboo, and that they would be nicknamed “Negro-lover” and would also be ridiculed in public. However, Atticus stuck on, and helped Tom to the best of his efforts. Atticus also understands others. This meant that Atticus always tries to understand the other party before doing anything, and he knows how to put himself into another person’s shoes. This shows the Atticus is actually a very consciences person and that he actually bothers to think from another perspective, unlike other characters who just act based on impulse or similar reasons.

All these are the reasons as to why I feel that Atticus Finch was my favourite character in the short story.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gordon,

    Yes, I agree with you that Atticus Finch is a great character in the book, although I have a different favourite. He is truly a role model ahead of his time, and I felt that most of your points were accurate and succinct! However, I felt that you should have mentioned about the way Atticus educates his children and the morals that he imparted to them. However, overall this was a clear and concise post!

