Friday, February 11, 2011

Personal Response (2)

As I followed the action in the courtroom, what character did I empathize with most and least? Explain.

I empathized most with Tom Robinson. He was questioned by Bob Ewell’s lawyer harshly, as if he was the guilty one. I believe that to all those who were watching the trial, they would definitely feel that Tom Robinson was innocent, however, Bob Ewell’s lawyer treated Tom Robinson as if he was the guilty one and everything that occurred was all his fault and he had to take up the responsibility and pay for his crime. In the public’s eyes, I believe that they too felt that Tom Robinson was innocent, however, the jury still found him guilty. He was punished for a crime which he had been set up, which was made very obvious to the juries during Atticus’ questionings, however because of the fact that he was a black, he was still found guilty.

I empathised the least with Bob Ewell. The reason being, he framed Tom Robinson for something which he had not done. Next, Bob Ewell just lives off social welfare, and does not doing anything decent for a living. He also lied during the trial and he made others lie along as well.

However, i do empathise with another of the Ewells, who is Mayella Ewell. She was forced by her father to frame the person that helps her with no hesitation. Although, the jury still found Tom Robinson guilty, but it was quite obvious by how Atticus questioned her, that actually shows us that Tom Robinson was actually guilty. At the very least, Mayella showed a sense of guilt about accusing Tom, unlike her father, Bob Ewell. I believe that she felt very bad while accusing Tom, however, she dared not admit it due to her father. This is the main point of why i actually empathise with her. (Point given by Kee Xuan)

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115


  1. Gordon,

    I guess most, if not all, would empathize most with Tom Robinson and empathize least with Bob Ewell, just like me. However, if you can add in how much you empathized with Mayella Ewell, it would be better, as this would show a contrast of your feelings towards the two Ewells. For me, I do empathize with Mayella as she has a horrible father and she gets questioned at court just because she had to protect the real culprit.


  2. Dear Kee Xuan,
    Thanks for the point. I would add that in. I never really realised about talking about another Ewell to show a contrast between them. Thank you!

  3. Gordon,

    I understand that you empathize least or not even at all with Bob Ewell. However, we should step into his shoes and think for him even though he was a horrible lazy person as described in To Kill a Mockingbird. After all, it was taboo for Mayella, a white, to kiss a black in the society of Maycomb City. For his daughter to do such a thing was a great humiliation that no one but himself understood. Of course he does not do a decent living, but maybe he has other reasons which most readers may not consider. About Mayella, I feel that was quite-childlike in her thoughts and so she acted in that particular "I do whatever I feel like doing" manner.

    Kai Xiang

  4. Dear Gordon,

    I too empathized most with Tom, but I do not think Bob Ewell's lawyer was wrong to act like Tom was guilty. He has to act like that in order to persuade the jury to find Tom guilty. However, I did not like how the lawyer used Tom's choice of words against him. I felt that it was uncalled for and only emphasized the bias shown to blacks.

    I did not really emphathise with Mayella because I disliked the way she manipulated the trial, portraying herself as the distraught victim.

    I emphathised with Bob Ewell the least because I felt that he was selfish in framing Tom to save his own reputation.

    Cheers :)
    Kenneth Pay (20)
