Tuesday, June 28, 2011


What are newspapers? Newspapers are basically what you read everyday updating you about the happenings of what will happen yesterday, and perhaps certain events coming in the future. Newspapers are available all over the world, and come in different sizes, as well as types.

In Singapore, there are currently two types of newspapers, firstly the first, being the tabloid type, Newpaper, and the broadsheet type, The Straits Times. Each papers have their own pros and cons, and depending on one’s preferences they would choose their own paper.

Now I will tell you about the differences between these two types of papers. Firstly, their sizes are different. The tabloid paper is slightly larger than aA4 page, while the broadsheet paper is the size of an A3 paper. The tabloid paper provides story of more sensational value, and their scope covers around the world, but however with events that tend to be close to a human’s heart, and their language is also not as formal and is very straightforward. Tabloid papers also tend to use more of pictures and diagrams to convey their message. The broadsheet paper provides story of all areas, no matter whether they are sensational or not, and their scope basically covers all around the world globally, and issues tend to cover everything. The broadsheet paper also has a very formal language and tone, and tends to use more of statistics as well as text to convey their message.
Thus, if you are those who enjoy reading news with human stories within them, and also interesting news, one should go for tabloid papers, while for those who want a more concise and detailed read, they should go for a broadsheet paper.

Last but not least, I feel that both papers have their own merits and demerits and they are looked upon differently by each different person.

~Gordon Koh(15) 2i1

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