Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hi guys, today I will be blogging about a topic known as gaming. In the entire June holidays, I have spent much of my time gaming, sometimes at the expense of my homework, but alas, I did complete all of my homework.

After gaming for such a long amount of time, I felt a sense of regret as well as sadness, as I was actually addicted to the various games, and had indeed wasted my precious holiday on these games, which bring about almost no benefits towards my life, and that I should actually be spending my time much more wisely. In my opinion, I feel that gaming technically just wastes your time, and that it only affects you adversely in terms of your lifestyle habits. When one is addicted to gaming, one neglects almost anything that is around him as long as he can game, be it going out, doing his homework. Certain people might say that playing games helps one to destress, but this depends on the various cases. For certain people, they are just using this excuse to cover up their own addiction towards gaming, while for others, it is indeed genuine as they really only want to have a bit of fun and destress.

To date, I have finally managed to curb my gaming addiction which I got during the Junes Holidays. I would like to give some advice to you guys, should you intend to game. Firstly, set up a time slot for your gaming, whereby you plan to play within certain timing, and you do not exceed it, as this is usually a first sign of addiction. Next, try to go out for other activities, be it watching movies or just hanging out with your friends, do not just focus all your time on the game itself, nor should you be only thinking about the game at all time. Last but not least, do not put all your effort and soul into the game, as it is only just a game, it does not really affect you in your life if you are unable to play it well, however if you do let it affect you, then it is indeed another sign of addiction and there is a need to curb.

Now as for those who are already addicted, here are some tips to curb the addiction. Firstly, delete away the game from your desktop or computer. This is done to prevent yourself from actually playing these games which only waste your time. Secondly, go out and do other activities that keep your mind busy and not let your mind wander off and think only about the game itself. This will then allow you to slowly break free from the control of the game. Last but not least, try to get your parents to help you. They will be able to monitor you, and stop you should you intend to play the game.

Remember, your precious life should not be wasted on gaming, many people have done so, and have regretted it, do not become one of them.

~Gordon Koh

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gordon,

    Firstly, I would like to say kudos to you for managing to curb your gaming addiction! I agree with you that addiction to gaming may seem nonsensical, but is very prevalent in today's modern society. I even know of a relative who is so addicted to gaming that he even went to the extent of resigning from his job and locking himself up in the room for 24 hours. Therefore, I find it very sad to see people being addicted to gaming.

    Of course, games can prove to be very fun at first, but we must make the distinction between virtual and reality. I also think that trying to quit gaming is very hard because it takes a lot of courage to do so. However, as long as people follow the steps you mentioned above, I believe that they will one day be able to be relieved of this problem.

