Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life and times of william shakespeare 1

1. Can the real William Shakespeare please stand up?

* Why is William Shakspere of Stratford-upon-Avon an unlikely candidate

for the authorship of Shakespeare’s works;

* Who are the possible candidates?

* Who is the most likely candidate for the authorship of Shakespeare’s

works? Provide reasons to support your view.

1)People doubt that William Shakespeare actually wrote all those masterpieces and that William Shakespeare was a name used by the true author or authors in order to keep the writer’s identity a secret. For those who believe in this, William Shakespeare would then be a pen name of the real writer. Historians also believe that at that time, people were incapable of signing their own names, and William Shakespeare actually had six signatures, which did not seem possible at that time. People also question William Shakespeare’s existence, as his funeral was not made a great deal.

The possible candidates are Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford , Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, Group theory (Written by a group of people), Infinite Monkeys, a woman.

The most possible candidate is Edward de Vere,17th Earl of Oxford. This is because he was rich and affluent, and would have enough money to travel around the world and have money for someone to write his plays for him. He also owned a home in Stratford which corresponds with when Shakespeare’s canon was written.

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