Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Life and times of william shakespeare 3

3. Customs & Lifestyle

* Personal hygiene, diet, recreation, accommodation, dress

3)The diet back then was based on one’s status and wealth. In the early times, meat was a sign of wealth. During the Elizabethan period, there was introduction of new food, and a greater usage of sugar, and there was also a greater cultivation of fruits and honey. The food were mainly bought from markets and there are a few methods to cook the meat back then.
The recreation back then were mainly forms of sports, and they included some of our modern sports today, archery, bowling and many more, and they also included hunting together with hawks and dogs and also watching animal fights.

Elizabethan clothes provided information about the status of the person wearing them. This was not just by the wealth of the person, it also reflected their social standing. Only Royalty were permitted to wear clothes trimmed with ermine. Lesser Nobles were allowed to wear clothing trimmed with fox and otter and so on. Elizabethan Sumptuary Laws dictated what colors and type of clothing individuals were allowed to own and wear, an easy and immediate way to identify rank and privilege. The materials and even the colors of Elizabethan clothing were therefore very important and sections have been dedicated to these subjects in relation to dyes, fabrics and the type of clothes that men were allowed to wear and the type of clothing that Elizabethan women were allowed to wear.

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