Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Today I am going to blog about something very important which is also known as focus. Focus means to concentrate’s one attention on something so as to complete one’s objectives.

During the holidays, I learnt about the need to focus, the hard way around. As the holidays began, I had actually intended to focus on my homework and complete them before even touching my computer. However, temptation soon gave in and I turned on my computer, pushing my homework aside, and just playing my computer. This went on for quite some time, and with all the camps, trainings and an overseas trip, my one month holiday had almost come to an end. With that pile of homework, I had needed to focus and not get distracted. With all my effort, I finally managed to complete my homework just one day before school started. At the beginning, before I started on my homework, I thought that I would take forever to complete it, but with focus, it took me roughly around two days and I had managed to complete it.

From this, we can learn about a few things. With focus, we will be able to complete our objectives easily and quickly. Without focus, we will stray away from our aim, and thus end up procrastinating until its too late. So to conclude this, when doing something, focus, focus and focus, until you have completed it, and avoid getting distracted. I assure you, when you are in that same situation like mine in the holidays, you would not enjoy it. Imagine your homework supposedly being meant to be done abit at a time, all being done at one shot. It was indeed a horrible feeling.

And yes, this is the lesson which I have learnt during my June Holidays.

~Gordon Koh (15) 2i1

1 comment:

  1. haha Gordon, it seems we share the same experiences xD

    Every time I would set myself a goal that is unfortunately hardly ever achieved. Well I guess it is rather hard to focus, especially given the many distractions that can come in all sorts. Till now, I must say that I haven't gotten rid of this bad habit, and I wouldn't say I am improving :\, but I guess I have to try no matter what because it irks me sometimes how I can spend hours completing minimal work, and I think this will definitely come in handy given the increasing workload we will be getting as we grow up.

    haha I guess it is reassuring to know that I am not the only one that can't focus on my work xD
