Saturday, August 20, 2011

Posts and Comments

Hi Miss Huang,

Please do click on older posts to take a look at the 20 posts that I have made for this term as well as last term as I did not opt for LA Ace last term.

The websites below are where I have commented on:
10)Kee Xuan's blog website, unable for me to paste link as the website stated that there is too much traffic coming from my IP.


Last post of the Term, feelings on blogging

Blogging for our LA Ace originally seemed like an uphill task, as if it was not achievable, whereby we had to complete 30 blog posts, as well as comment on our classmate's blog posts.
However, after having completed it all, which includes this post, it is no longer an uphill task. All we need to do simply is to get a topic close to us and blog about it, and it can be about anything. As long as one pays attention to their affairs around them, it will be easy for that person to blog about it. Since each blog posts has to be substantial, I had to spend quite some time completing each blog post, and thus there is a need for a huge amount of time management, because without it, and also along with our busy schedules, we will then be unable to complete all our posts as well as comments.
Blogging has indeed brought about many benefits to me. Firstly, it allows be to develop my critical thinking skills as I will have to at times, comment on my classmates' post, as well as think about how to write my post. Next, it allows me to manage my time better, as I have to set time aside in order to finish up my various blog posts. Blogging too allows me to express my feelings, and thus gain more opinions as people are able to comment on my posts. Last but not least, blogging allows me to gain various other alternative point views, from the various comments, thus allowing me to analyse the issue and listen to other's opinions.
All in all, I have enjoyed the blogging experience.



I am sure that many of us have heard of this interesting and fun social media platform, which is also otherwise known as Facebook. Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg, and has been then used by close to a billion people, with some using it to interact with others, while others using it to play the many games which are only avaliable on this platform.

In my opinion, I feel that there are both pros and cons of having such a popular social media platform. The Pros are that it allows us to communicate with one another easily. It allows us to interact with others online as well as allow us to have a platform to express ourselves, as well as keep a photo album, have a wall among others. It too allows us to play the various games that will help us to de-stress as times, thus allowing us to take a short break. Facebook also allows us to communicate with one another easily via the chat system, instead of having to go through the long way of creating another account just to have instant messaging. Facebook also allows us to share our experiences with my friends, such as uploading of videos, updating of statuses, as well as commenting on other's status. Facebook is then able to allow us to know more about other's life in their current stage as their status usually reflects this, and we are able to comment upon this. Last but not least, Facebook helps to facilitate online discussions, as we are able to post questions and allow for polling, as well as to like comments to show our agreement.

The cons are that certain people might get addicted to Facebook, and thus be unable to concentrate in other areas of their lives. Next, it causes certain people to have a dependency on it, and thus always have a need to look through Facebook. Next, it might also create a social barrier as it does not train us to interact with one another in reality, but instead only on online platforms.Last but not least, Facebook glitches at time, and thus may cause one to feel irritated.

All in all, I feel that the pros of Facebook definitely outweigh the cons of facebook, as long as we do not abuse it.


Singapore History Museum

Hi guys,

Some time back, i made my way to the Singapore History Museum which was close the one close to Bras Basah. I have been to many museums around Singapore, as well as around the world, and let me assure you, that this is no boring museum>

Firstly, most of the rooms as well as exhibitions there are interactive and interesting, whereby they do teach us something regarding Singapore's history, as well as give us extra information. These rooms also give us a first-hand experience, as we are able to look at the artifacts first hand, and also look at the descriptions about them. Next, there are audio guides to guide us along, which is an interactive device, and it basically explains all the exhibits found. We can also choose to have a tour guide to guide us around, which was indeed better as we could ask the tour guide questions regarding the museum.

Next, there was usually two different ways for a person to take, and he can take both by walking back to the other. One path is known as the personal path, which brings one through a person's experiences of living at that time by piecing together various artifacts as well as journals found. The other path is then known as the events path, which just goes through the entire history, via the various events, thus teaching us more about Singapore's history, as well as let us have a better understanding as we are taught using artifacts.

In my opinion, my favourite route was the Japanese Occupation group. It has taught us the most number of things, such as some weapons which were actually on ships at that time, as well as some artifacts which are found at that time and displayed, for example, personal possessions found at beaches where Sook Ching took place.

All in all, I feel that this was indeed an interesting experience, and that I look forward to more of such museums.


Friday, August 19, 2011

NTU graduate valedictorian using the 'f' word in her graduation speech

In the recent case reported in the newspaper, a graduate who was a valedictorian, Trinetta Chong, used the 'f' word in the graduation speech. This then brought about a huge hooha, of which some criticized her and others who felt that it was nothing much.

In my opinion,I feel that it was nothing much. Firstly, the 'f' word could be used to refer to both a positive or an insulting term. In this case, she used it for a positive cause, which is to congratulate her other graduation mates, and not to insult or defame another person. 

Next, as the world becomes more modernized, the society is becoming more accepting, and in most parts of the world, using the 'f' word is no longer a great deal unless used to insult others. 

Next, she could have accidentally used it as it was one of the biggest events in her life as she wanted to express herself.Last but not least, the speech was meant for the other graduates, and since they have accepted it, I think that it is the alright.

All in all, I feel that it was not wrong of her to use such a word in this context.

Thoughts after the recent Penny Low incident during NDP

In the recent NDP, when the national anthem was played, MP Penny Low was caught looking down at her handphone.

In my opinion, I feel that this should not be done. By being an MP, which is a ministerial job as well as a role model due to her job, she is showing disrespect to the national anthem, which is a huge disgrace to her as well as Singaporeans. She will at the same time lose the respect of the people due to her action. I feel that she should not have done this, but instead waited till the national anthem has ended before even looking at her mobile phone.

Next, her apology too was insincere. She stated that "NDP is meant for singaporeans to unite and not divide", however, she is the one dividing us due to her actions of disrespect to our nation's national anthem, thus causing people to criticize her, instead of agreeing with her.

For Penny Low, I feel that she now needs to rebuild her reputation, however there will always be this mark that will remember what she has done and will certainly taint her record. 

Last but not least, I feel that before she wants to serve the nation, she should learn to respect the national anthem.




What are friends? Well, they are people who are unrelated to us by blood relationships, but yet are close to us. In my opinion, there are many types of friends around us.

There are friends who only stay with you when you give them benefits. There are those that only come by to bring you trouble. There are those who are friends who will stick with you, no matter what happens. While there are those who are willing to help you and feel joy for you when you achieve something. There are also those that just pretends to be your friend and only want to do you in.

Since there are so many types of friends, choose your friends wisely, like a chinese saying goes "近朱者赤,近墨者黑", staying with the right friends will thus be beneficial, while staying with the wrong friends will only bring about negative effects.



Recently, I took part in a competition, which required me 8 months of preparation and in the end, our team came in 10th. Considering the huge amount of effort that we have put in just for the competition, I feel that this is actually quite unjustifiable. However, what done has been done, and we can only accept the results and try to strive again for the next competition in 2 years time.

Competitions are what bring out the competitive spirit within us, to strive and to achieve, and thus beating others in the competition. Although the experience as well as the joy may be rewarding, however, the stress that comes along with it is huge as well. There are many others who argue that competitions may be beneficial while others argue that it is not even a single bit helpful. In my opinion, I find that competitions are beneficial.

Firstly, competitions allow us to aim for the best. By having competitions, it will actually affect the other factors within our life as we attempt to strive for the best, and thus stretch us towards our fullest potential. Next, people might say that it brings about stress. However, this is how it is beneficial. By bringing about stress, it teaches us on how to manage our stress, and thus allow us to be better at balancing this later on in our lives, such as in our A levels, and finally allowing us to do better.

Other than these points, another bonus point is that it allows us to forge new friendships, especially in competitions that involve teamwork. By involving teamwork, there is a need for the team to bond together, and thus help one another out in the competition as it requires each and every single one of them to play a part. Over time, via the trainings, the experiences we get, as well as the interactions as a team, it then allows us to gain new friendships as we get closer to each member of the competition team.

Last but not least, competitions train us to manage our time well. During competitions, it might come in at any period of our school lives, including that of our exams. By being in a competition, we then need to manage our time very well so as to allow ourselves to excel both in our academics as well as our competitions; otherwise, it will then lead to allow a success in one end.

All in all, I feel that competitions are beneficial to all of us, and that I have never regretted in taking part in this competition at all.

~Gordon Koh


Well, a few days ago, I was using this as my topic for my LA speech assignment, and i shall now expand upon my script.

In this current type of life that we are living, sleep has indeed become a scarcity to all of us. With such busy schedules, most of us actually do not have enough sleep in the day. In the simple survey which I asked about “How many people actually wanting more sleep”, the response was close to almost everyone single person.

Sleep now has become a luxury, an utmost need, as well as something which people actually desire. According to a survey done, most students only do sleep 6 to 7 hours in a day, and this thus shows that they actually do not have enough sleep in their daily lives. By not sleeping well, one actually turns into a lifeless zombie, whereby you are not conscious of things around you, as well as your brain not being able to function normally.

There are actually many reasons as to why teenagers do not have enough sleep, and this is usually attributed to the need to complete homework as well as to study for tests. Thus, these people feel that not sleeping enough is thus valid due to their various reasons. However, this is not true!

According to a research done by Stanford University, most teenagers require roughly around 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep in a day. By not having this amount of sleep, it actually causes many negative effects. For example, it heightens the risk for a variety of major illness. Next, it also causes one to be unable to concentrate well due to the lack of rest. Last but not least, it affects the ability of your long term memory.

On the contrary, with 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep, there are actually many beneficial effects to it. Firstly, it keeps one’s heart healthy, thus helping to reduce the chance of heart attack as well as strokes. Next, it prevents cancer due to the produce of melatonin when one is asleep. Last but not least, it helps to reduce our stress as we are able to get a proper rest.

There is a saying and I must quote Dalai Lama, “Sleep is the best medication”. In this case, sleep gives one energy alertness, longer attention span and last but not least good health. Only by being healthy, is one able to experience successes in life, as well as to be able to achieve various objectives. To stay healthy, is also not an uphill task, and it can be achieved simply by taking a sleep for 9 hours.

People might argue that due to their various reasons, they are unable to get enough sleep, however, I believe that with a slight change in their lifestyle as well as a better time management, they will then be able to get enough sleep. As we can see the pros outweighs the cons of sleeping enough, and thus, I hope that everyone will try to get enough sleep from now onwards.


Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hi guys, the exams are all around the corner now, and thus I would like to talk about this very topic, known as mugging. Mugging refers to the process whereby one studies and tries to cram knowledge into their head in as little time as possible.

I believe that almost everyone around us mug when it is close to the exam period, so as to be able to score as much as possible in the exam itself. However, the question is, is mugging really effective in the long run? In my opinion, I feel that mugging is not effective in the long run. Firstly, mugging is used when there is little time left and people just wants to use this to cram that knowledge into their head, just as to score for their exams. This thus means that this knowledge will soon be forgotten after the exam. For example, in the Chinese Test we have termly, we are supposed to memorise 20 “Cheng Yu”, however, after the test, if one tries to ask around about these “Cheng Yu” there would be close to not a single person remembering about them. Next, mugging is just used to prepare for tests and nothing else.

However, all these faults cannot be attributed to the need of mugging instead of choosing to study wholeheartedly. There are many reasons behind this. Firstly, it is about the lack of time. Our schedules are packed with competition trainings, CCAs, homework, even when there are tests, this activities continue. This then gives use very little time left to study, and thus we are then forced to mug. This cycle then repeats itself almost close to every term. Next, it is also about the system. In tests, we basically just need to cram every single knowledge into our head, and then be able to regurgitate them back out during the tests in order to score well. This then is another reason as to why students mug instead of studying wholeheartedly, as it allows them to memorise better and thus score well for tests. Tests are also used to identify a student’s ability, and without their test marks, they are unable to choose to opt for their various programmes in the future.

Since these are the conditions, we thus may choose to mug should we be very busy, however if the situation allows it, we should always try our best to study instead, and to be able to absorb this knowledge and be able to use them in the long run.

~Gordon Koh

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The real story behind Mississippi Burning is in the news!

What do you think: was the state’s image “rehabilitated”?

Rehabilitate in this case means returning the state’s image back to normal, just like it was, before people found out about how the whites in Mississippi was discriminating against the blacks, and the ill treatment towards the blacks.
In my opinion, I feel that the state’s image was not rehabilitated. Despite the court punishing the convict at that time who had escaped jail time, and sending him to a 20 year 3 term jail now, it is still unable to make up for the huge number of human lives lost at that time. Also, by doing this it is actually part of the juridical system, punishing those convicts, and they should not seek it as a way to restore their image, but as a form of poetic justice. At the current time now, the Mississippians wanted this punishment for their image to be restored, and I feel that this will not be possible because of many varying reasons.
Think about it this way, this image of Mississippi being a place where there were no fair share of human rights, and racial discrimination having been there for such a long time, and also with details of it being recorded down in historical books. With an image for so many years, and trying to remove it in such a short time, it would definitely not be possible, however if the Mississippians can actually slowly develop themselves, and show to the rest of the world that there is equality there between the races, then perhaps their state’s image will be rehabilitated. As we all know, time heals all wounds, and perhaps slowly, time would also heal up that huge hole in the image of the state of Mississippi.

How much do you know about the civil rights era in general?

The civil rights era was from the 1865 to the 1970. The civil rights era was basically an era, where people fought to give equal rights to all within America, including the blacks. Although it was met with resistance at first, in the end it succeeded. However, for most of this time, the blacks in Southern America were still treated as inferior beings, and were still discriminated.

Within these years, events in the 1940s and 1950s also pushed blacks to work harder for equality, and segregation policies in Southern America pushed blacks to move to Northen America, and also with the need of skilled workers, added in to pull factor of blacks moving over. This massive movement then became known as the Great Migration. From this, blacks also benefitted from this greatly and received support from various unions and Democratic Party.

Next, after world war 2, despite more than one million blacks helping to fight for America, they still stayed in segregated units, and received little thanks despite their help. Activists then questioned how the U.S. government fight for freedom and yet its very own citizens get treated as second-class citizens. Cold war ideology and politics thus played a role in helping blacks secure their rights.

Last but not least, with the final support by John F. Kennedy and civil right leaders, the president then pushed the civil rights act of 1964 to disallow discrimination on people. Last but not least, the later social politics also help to contribute to the equality of blacks now.

~Gordon Koh (15) 2i1

Adventure Training Camp

In the June holidays, I went for an NPCC camp in Pulau Ubin which is known as Adventure Training Camp (ATC). This was a camp that I actually dreaded, due to the many mosquitoes and sand flies within the campsite, and I feared of getting bitten. I did not really look forward to this camp due to the fact that we actually had to sleep in tents, with the hot and sweaty conditions. As we set off to the camp, the only thing that I looked forward to was the return journey.

However, all of my fears came out untrue. Firstly, for the entire camp, I only had six mosquito bites in total, of course at the course of an entire bottle of insect repellent, and I had no sand flies bites at all. Next, sleeping in the camp was not that bad after all, especially since the fact that it was very windy. Lastly, this camp has helped us as we interacted with students from other schools, as well as helped to strengthen the friendship bonds we have within our own squad, as most activities require teamwork and trust with the other party. Although the camp was tough, it was indeed an enriching experience, as we get to try out cooking for ourselves, as well as eating combat rations, which tasted disgusting to me, and lastly, we could trek around Pulau Ubin.

The hardest part within the camp itself was actually the walking into the campsite. Due to the fact that Camp resilience was actually quite far from the jetty, we had to walk around 2 to 3 kilometers just to enter the campsite, and by then, most of us were already tired out. The easiest part was then the various cooking of the meal. This is due to the fact that we were previously trained, and thus this part was actually very easy to all of us. The part that was the most fun was the kayaking part, whereby we kayaked around in a two-man kayak in the sea.

After the entire camp, I felt that ATC has indeed toughened me up, and I am looking forward to next year’s camp which is Survival Training Camp (STC).

~Gordon Koh


Hi guys, today I will be blogging about a topic known as gaming. In the entire June holidays, I have spent much of my time gaming, sometimes at the expense of my homework, but alas, I did complete all of my homework.

After gaming for such a long amount of time, I felt a sense of regret as well as sadness, as I was actually addicted to the various games, and had indeed wasted my precious holiday on these games, which bring about almost no benefits towards my life, and that I should actually be spending my time much more wisely. In my opinion, I feel that gaming technically just wastes your time, and that it only affects you adversely in terms of your lifestyle habits. When one is addicted to gaming, one neglects almost anything that is around him as long as he can game, be it going out, doing his homework. Certain people might say that playing games helps one to destress, but this depends on the various cases. For certain people, they are just using this excuse to cover up their own addiction towards gaming, while for others, it is indeed genuine as they really only want to have a bit of fun and destress.

To date, I have finally managed to curb my gaming addiction which I got during the Junes Holidays. I would like to give some advice to you guys, should you intend to game. Firstly, set up a time slot for your gaming, whereby you plan to play within certain timing, and you do not exceed it, as this is usually a first sign of addiction. Next, try to go out for other activities, be it watching movies or just hanging out with your friends, do not just focus all your time on the game itself, nor should you be only thinking about the game at all time. Last but not least, do not put all your effort and soul into the game, as it is only just a game, it does not really affect you in your life if you are unable to play it well, however if you do let it affect you, then it is indeed another sign of addiction and there is a need to curb.

Now as for those who are already addicted, here are some tips to curb the addiction. Firstly, delete away the game from your desktop or computer. This is done to prevent yourself from actually playing these games which only waste your time. Secondly, go out and do other activities that keep your mind busy and not let your mind wander off and think only about the game itself. This will then allow you to slowly break free from the control of the game. Last but not least, try to get your parents to help you. They will be able to monitor you, and stop you should you intend to play the game.

Remember, your precious life should not be wasted on gaming, many people have done so, and have regretted it, do not become one of them.

~Gordon Koh

Reflections after trip to Adelaide, Australia

During the June Holidays, I went to Australia, Adelaide. In the time I was there, I gained new experiences. For this trip, our family went along with our cousin’s family together, without a tour guide, so it was essentially just like a free and easy trip.

In this trip, I have seen many new things, and ate lots of food. For example, on one of the days, we made our way to Kangaroo Island. On Kangaroo island, we took a picture together with Koala Bears, fed kangaroos, and took a look of seals at a close proximity, whereby one actually came up to us, and walked around us. We were then told not to move, so as to not frighten the seal. We too went to a Korean restaurant. It was the first time that I was actually in an authentic Korean restaurant. We ordered a Kimichi Hotpot, as well as various other dishes, that were not only yummy, but also very spicy too. For the whole meal, everyone was sweating while enjoying the meal at the same time.

This was indeed a fruitful trip, as I have learned more about Adelaide, as well as the ecology at the Kangaroo Island. I have also gone to their various shopping malls, and experienced their sales season. The Australians there are totally different as compared to Singaporeans when it is a sale season. The shops are actually not really flooded with people, and the shop owner are usually courteous and helpful even though you might have not bought an item after pondering and taking up his time. I have also forged a greater bond between my cousins and I as we interacted with one another in the trip as well as have fun together. At the same time, we had to care for one another.

~Gordon Koh


Today I am going to blog about something very important which is also known as focus. Focus means to concentrate’s one attention on something so as to complete one’s objectives.

During the holidays, I learnt about the need to focus, the hard way around. As the holidays began, I had actually intended to focus on my homework and complete them before even touching my computer. However, temptation soon gave in and I turned on my computer, pushing my homework aside, and just playing my computer. This went on for quite some time, and with all the camps, trainings and an overseas trip, my one month holiday had almost come to an end. With that pile of homework, I had needed to focus and not get distracted. With all my effort, I finally managed to complete my homework just one day before school started. At the beginning, before I started on my homework, I thought that I would take forever to complete it, but with focus, it took me roughly around two days and I had managed to complete it.

From this, we can learn about a few things. With focus, we will be able to complete our objectives easily and quickly. Without focus, we will stray away from our aim, and thus end up procrastinating until its too late. So to conclude this, when doing something, focus, focus and focus, until you have completed it, and avoid getting distracted. I assure you, when you are in that same situation like mine in the holidays, you would not enjoy it. Imagine your homework supposedly being meant to be done abit at a time, all being done at one shot. It was indeed a horrible feeling.

And yes, this is the lesson which I have learnt during my June Holidays.

~Gordon Koh (15) 2i1

Recent Stanley Ho case

Today, I shall talk about the Stanley Ho Case.
My stand is that, this would not have happened if his children were not so eager to split up his assets and that they should not split up his assets before he has died or even made his will.

This then links to some concepts taught. Firstly, it is the Buddhist virtue Ethics. This means for children to be filial towards one’s parents. His children are splitting up his assets even before he has died, it shows how much they regard him as well as their character. Next, it is regarding the Liberty, Human Rights, which refers to a person’s ability to do what he likes as long as he is alive, in this case, it is not allowing Stanley Ho to make a choice on how to split his assets.

Certain people might say that since they are his family, and that he is going to die, they should split his assets up, however, Stanley Ho is still alive and he has his rights, and only him should decide on what he wants to do with his assets.

Now I shall talk about my two quotes. The first quote is “It’s the flock, the grove, that matters. Our responsibility is to species, not to specimens; to communities, not to individuals.” by Sara Stein, and this shows that utilitarianism actually at times disregard the minority, and it only takes care of the majority. The other quote is from a part of a quote from World English Bible “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”, in this case, with the children only wanting their father’s money, and not even showing a single sign of filial piety.


Life and times of william shakespeare 4

4. The (historical and cultural) Setting of Venice

* What was Venice like during the 15th and 16th century? Comment especially on its demographics and culture.

* Why was Venice important during the 15th and 16th century?

* What was the dominant religion in Venice? How were Jews treated and regarded?

* How is Venice a choice setting for the plot of this play?

4) In the 15th century, Venice was fighting and conquering various islands around it, and various territories up to the Middle East. Venice also allied with various different countries to enable it to conquer various islands. At the end of the 15th century, there were roughly around 180,000 inhabitants. However in the 16th century, Venice’s power declined as it broke out with war with various countries at around the same point of time. In the 16th century, Venice also played an important role in the development of the Music Of Italy as it became one of the most important musical centers. Venice also became the one of the early music printing center. The paintings there were also developed through influences from the Paduan School and Antonello de Messina.

Ottaviano Petrucci began publishing music almost as soon as this technology was available, and his publishing enterprise helped to attract composers from all over Europe, especially from France and Flanders. By the end of the century, Venice was famous for the splendor of its music, as exemplified in the "colossal style" of Andrea and Giovanni Gabrieli, which used multiple choruses and instrumental groups. Venice was also the home of many famous composers during the baroque period, such as Antonio Vivaldi, Ippolito Ciera, Giovanni Picchi, and Girolamo Dalla Casa, to name but a few.~Wikipedia

The dominant relationship then was the Roman Catholic religion. Jews were treated badly at various other countries and evicted, however they were allowed at Venice. However, there were some restrictions for the Jews at Venice such as that they could not work in certain jobs such as lawyers, doctors and bankers, but they could only be moneylenders.

This is because the story revolves around Antonio and the Jewish moneylender, Shylock. Since in most places Jews were banished, and most of them were at Venice and worked as moneylenders, this would then be appropriate as Antonio was only able to loan money from a Jew there.

Life and times of william shakespeare 3

3. Customs & Lifestyle

* Personal hygiene, diet, recreation, accommodation, dress

3)The diet back then was based on one’s status and wealth. In the early times, meat was a sign of wealth. During the Elizabethan period, there was introduction of new food, and a greater usage of sugar, and there was also a greater cultivation of fruits and honey. The food were mainly bought from markets and there are a few methods to cook the meat back then.
The recreation back then were mainly forms of sports, and they included some of our modern sports today, archery, bowling and many more, and they also included hunting together with hawks and dogs and also watching animal fights.

Elizabethan clothes provided information about the status of the person wearing them. This was not just by the wealth of the person, it also reflected their social standing. Only Royalty were permitted to wear clothes trimmed with ermine. Lesser Nobles were allowed to wear clothing trimmed with fox and otter and so on. Elizabethan Sumptuary Laws dictated what colors and type of clothing individuals were allowed to own and wear, an easy and immediate way to identify rank and privilege. The materials and even the colors of Elizabethan clothing were therefore very important and sections have been dedicated to these subjects in relation to dyes, fabrics and the type of clothes that men were allowed to wear and the type of clothing that Elizabethan women were allowed to wear.

Life and times of william shakespeare 2

2. Elizabeth I and the Politics of the Elizabethan Era

² Elizabeth I: who was she?

² What were England’s international relations like during Elizabeth’s reign?

² What was Shakespeare’s relationship with Elizabeth I?

² Compare Elizabeth I to Portia. How is Portia’s character a tribute to Elizabeth I?

2)Queen Elizabeth I was Queen reagent of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 to her death. Elizabeth was the fifth and last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. The daughter of Henry VIII, she was born a princess, and she was well-educated. She could speak five languages and enjoyed sports such as dancing.

During Queen Elizabeth I’s early rule, English’s military worked together with Scotland and France, and relationships grew better with Scotland after Mary,Queen of Scots was overthrew, and a military treaty was signed. However, relationships worsened with Spain and Queen Elizabeth I sent an army to protect Spain in 1585. In 1588, Philip II of Spain sent warships to go to war with England, but was defeated, and further attempt proved unfruitful. At that time, there was also trade between England and Japan, Ottoman Empire and Barbary States.

The relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and William Shakespeare is that Queen Elizabeth I frequent watching plays, while William Shakespeare produced plays. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Queen Elizabeth I had actually gone to the The Globe Theatre where William Shakespeare’s play were usually performed. However, William Shakespeare’s company has performed for Queen Elizabeth I’s audiences before.

The similarities between Portia and Queen Elizabeth I’s was that they were both heiress to something, Portia being the heiress to Belmont while Queen Elizabeth being the heiress to the English empire. They were both also the lead in their lives, whereby Queen Elizabeth lead England, while Portia led the court trial. Portia was also able to speak up against man at that time, which held power, and it was the same with Queen Elizabeth.
This thus shows that Portia is a tribute to Queen Elizabeth as they have a similar character and have a similar role in their lives.

Life and times of william shakespeare 1

1. Can the real William Shakespeare please stand up?

* Why is William Shakspere of Stratford-upon-Avon an unlikely candidate

for the authorship of Shakespeare’s works;

* Who are the possible candidates?

* Who is the most likely candidate for the authorship of Shakespeare’s

works? Provide reasons to support your view.

1)People doubt that William Shakespeare actually wrote all those masterpieces and that William Shakespeare was a name used by the true author or authors in order to keep the writer’s identity a secret. For those who believe in this, William Shakespeare would then be a pen name of the real writer. Historians also believe that at that time, people were incapable of signing their own names, and William Shakespeare actually had six signatures, which did not seem possible at that time. People also question William Shakespeare’s existence, as his funeral was not made a great deal.

The possible candidates are Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford , Christopher Marlowe, Sir Francis Bacon, Group theory (Written by a group of people), Infinite Monkeys, a woman.

The most possible candidate is Edward de Vere,17th Earl of Oxford. This is because he was rich and affluent, and would have enough money to travel around the world and have money for someone to write his plays for him. He also owned a home in Stratford which corresponds with when Shakespeare’s canon was written.


What are newspapers? Newspapers are basically what you read everyday updating you about the happenings of what will happen yesterday, and perhaps certain events coming in the future. Newspapers are available all over the world, and come in different sizes, as well as types.

In Singapore, there are currently two types of newspapers, firstly the first, being the tabloid type, Newpaper, and the broadsheet type, The Straits Times. Each papers have their own pros and cons, and depending on one’s preferences they would choose their own paper.

Now I will tell you about the differences between these two types of papers. Firstly, their sizes are different. The tabloid paper is slightly larger than aA4 page, while the broadsheet paper is the size of an A3 paper. The tabloid paper provides story of more sensational value, and their scope covers around the world, but however with events that tend to be close to a human’s heart, and their language is also not as formal and is very straightforward. Tabloid papers also tend to use more of pictures and diagrams to convey their message. The broadsheet paper provides story of all areas, no matter whether they are sensational or not, and their scope basically covers all around the world globally, and issues tend to cover everything. The broadsheet paper also has a very formal language and tone, and tends to use more of statistics as well as text to convey their message.
Thus, if you are those who enjoy reading news with human stories within them, and also interesting news, one should go for tabloid papers, while for those who want a more concise and detailed read, they should go for a broadsheet paper.

Last but not least, I feel that both papers have their own merits and demerits and they are looked upon differently by each different person.

~Gordon Koh(15) 2i1

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Maycomb Tribune

Hi guys, heres a feature article, on Tom Robinson's failed attempt on trying to escape from prison, which is a part of the story form the book "To Kill A Mockingbird".
So heres the link for it:
Thank You and have fun reading (:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

A day in the Armenian War

Video: The pianist

The day before, it was all peace, but today, the Germans finally attacked. Just in the morning, we were all leading our daily lives, and I was playing my piano within the radio broadcast room. All of a sudden, loud and deafening sound of an air raid was heard. Bombs dropped down, and the window beside me got blasted apart almost immediately. The whole town was in a state of panic as everyone raced for shelter. Many were killed on the streets. Luckily for me, I managed to hide myself. However, soon after, the air raid stopped, and all was quiet. As I stepped out of my hiding place slowly, I saw that the whole town was burned, with flames everywhere, and dead corpses lying by the road. I immediately, made my way towards the shelter set up. The shelter, was packed full of people, many suffering from injuries. I found a quiet spot and sat down, and rested. My life was turned into a living hell just within hours. Surviving now is the top priority.

Descriptive Paragraph

It was a patch of dead silence. A soldier raised his head, checking the surrounding for any remaining enemies. Everything around the soldier was destroyed, with holes within them, and many comrades lying on the ground, lifeless. The ground was stained red with blood. Just minutes ago, the enemies’ artillery’s fired deafening shots. The soldier was lying flat on the ground, trying to pretend that he was dead as the bullets whizzed past his head, destroying the steel barrier above him. Silently, the soldier heaved a sigh of relief as the enemies were finally gone.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Expository Essay

Topic: It is better to be fat and jolly than thin and miserable. What are your views on this?

“Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy. ~Cynthia Nelms” I do agree with the fact that being fat and jolly is being better than skinny and miserable. Being fat and jolly simply means, one is happy in what he does, while being skinny and miserable means that one is always pessimistic and views everything in a negative light. Also, miserable people are more prone to suicide.

Being either fat or skinny could both lead to health diseases, however, being fat gives you a chance of getting more diseases. The only difference if both a fat and jolly person as compared to a skinny and miserable person who both gets the same disease is their attitude. This would also affect the outcome of whether that person is able to combat the disease. By being jolly and optimistic, that person would thus, try to see everything positively, and thus lead his life in a better manner until he recovers as compared to that of a miserable person who would just moan over it, and lead his life in a miserable manner, hurting everyone around him.

Next, although a person who is slim and miserable might be healthier than that of a person who is fat and jolly, however, by being fat and jolly, one would be able to slim down, and this would then lead him to feel happy and have a sense of accomplishment. However, if one is slim and miserable, nothing would actually cheer him up, and if one wants to grow, one might choose to eat more per meal. However, because of a miserable mood, that person might just vomit everything, thus leading to a vicious cycle repeating itself.

In this world, there are many things that are meant to be enjoyed, and whether one is able to enjoy all these depends on his mood. For a fat and jolly person, he would be able to soak it all in, and enjoy himself thoroughly, just like others. However, for a slim and miserable person, he would just feel dejected and rejected as he is unable to enjoy it like what the people around him are doing. This shows that the difference between being fat and slim, is just the attitude of the person.

By being slim and miserable, that person would be less likely to accept failure, and if that person actually failed at something, it would lead to that person, hurting himself, or doing silly things like cutting oneself, because that person only sees that he has failed, however, if it is a fat and jolly person who failed, the situation would be different. A fat and jolly person would then see him failing as a lesson which he can learn from, and then, avoid making the same mistakes again in the future, and this will also make that person more likely to be successful.

Life is short, we should enjoy it and live through it by being jolly and happy.

Word Count: 499

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blog Prompt: Reflection

Reflect on the phrase, 'Anyone is guilty who watches this and does nothing'. What have you done when you have seen people being discriminated against? What more can you do the next time you witness discrimination taking place?

For the first time, when i saw discrimination taking place in my primary school, i did not really do anything. I just stood aside. At that time, i was just in primary 1, when i saw some other classmates bullying an Indian classmate. I was actually afraid of being the target instead and thus i stood aside. However, for the next few times when i was in upper primary, i just stood out to tell them to stop it or i would inform a teacher who is nearby but was not aware of the situation. If i stood up, normally i would have to argue with them, but after some time, a teacher would notice the commotion and would come to clarify what has happened. As for the other solution, the teacher would just simply give the boys a scolding.

Next time, if i witness discrimination taking place, i would try to stand up for that person, if it is within my power. If not, i will inform people of higher authorities, such as an adult, who i hope will help by stepping in to tell those people to stop. If i do stand up for that person, i would try to reason with them, and ask them “how they would feel if they were discriminated”. I believe that most discrimination cases actually only take place mainly in school for the Singapore context, because i believe that when we have all grown up, we would actually understand other races in Singapore better, and we would not discriminate against them. Since they tend to take place mainly in school, i would simply just find a teacher and ask him or her for help, as i believe that this is the best and most effective way.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Blog Prompt: Did i like Mississippi Burning?

I like Mississippi Burning, because of the fact that it shows the racial segregation and the treatment of the blacks by the KKK at that time.
The story is basically about two FBI agents, with very different working styles, arrive in Mississippi to investigate about the missing civil rights activists. Along the way, they discovered how the whites in Mississippi treated the blacks as well as how the KKK ill-treated the blacks there. The story actually ends with the FBI agents finding out that the civil right activists were dead, and then the KKK’s leaders being punished and being sent to jail.
This story clearly shows what happened in the past, and how whites in the past did, just because of the fact that they felt that they were ‘superior’. It also shows the acts of the KKK, and their authority at that point in time, before the FBI agents came in to put an end to things.
The reason why i actually do like this movie is due to the fact that it is actually based on real life facts and not really exaggerated. The KKK at that time, burnt down churches of the black, which was where they gathered at, killed and attacked the blacks, not sparing a thought for the children or even the elderly, and they also lynched the blacks for no apparent reason. Next, i also like this video because of the gory details. It clearly depicts what happened, and allowed the viewers to actually see the movie unfolding instead of the movie telling. This allows the viewers to actually feel for the blacks, and to have a critical viewpoint towards the KKK. Lastly, i like the movie because of the ending. The ending clearly depicted how the FBI agents allowed the law to catch up with the KKK and also expose their deeds and give them their deserved punishment, thus showing poetic justice.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Comments on classmates' posts on their blogs.

Dear Miss Huang,

These are the comments which i have made, for easy reference:-
1. Keven Loo:"Blog prompt-TKAM: Ending of the Novel"
2. Kenneth Pay:"To Kill A Mockingbird Focus Activity"
3.Raphael Chang:"Blog Prompt 3 :)"
4. Daniel Tan: "Original Poems by Yours Truly"
5. Glenn Ang:"Superstition"
6. Leonard Goh:"Put into Someone's shoe-To Kill a Mockingbird"
7. Tan Jiefeng:"Did the ending of the story surprised you? If you were the author, would you have ended the story differently?Explain."
8. Chen Jiun Wei: "Superstitions"
9. Ching Kai Xiang:"Superstition and Religion"
10.Keven Loo:"Blog Prompt-Superficial Superstition"

Gordon 2i115


Hi guys, today I shall talk about some superstitions and give my viewpoints about these superstitions.

Firstly, I shall list out the superstitions.
Seeing a black cat is equal to having bad luck.
Walking under a ladder gives you bad luck
Wearing black clothes during Chinese new year will give you bad luck for the whole year.
During the first day of Chinese New year we cannot sweep the floor as we will sweep away the good luck.
Friday the thirteen is a day of bad luck.

Next, I shall talk about how I feel of each superstition.

Seeing a black cat is equal to having bad luck.
I feel that this is not true. I have come across many black cats before, and they even crossed my path, but after that, nothing actually happened to me. There was no such “bad luck” thing that happened to me.

Walking under a ladder gives you bad luck.
I am not very sure about this, due to the fact that I am actually quite tall, and I do not see ladders quite often, I have never walked under a ladder before.

Wearing black clothes during Chinese New Year will give you bad luck for the whole year.
For the past few years, I have not really challenged this superstition. Firstly, my parents sort of believe in this and they never approve me of wearing black clothes during Chinese New Year. Secondly, my grandparents do not really like me wearing black clothes, and they will nag at me, thus I have decided not to wear black clothes.The closest which I have worn to black is actually purple, and no “bad luck” events actually happened to me.

During the first day of Chinese New Year, we cannot sweep the floor as we will sweep away the good luck.
My whole family actually believes in this, and thus we have never ever swept the floor during the first day of Chinese New Year. Since all of us believe in it, and also the fact that not sweeping the floor for a day is no big deal, we actually do not sweep the floor for one day and only sweep the floor the next day.

Friday the thirteen is a day of bad luck.
I actually do not believe in this. I have made it through many Friday the thirteen, and nothing exceptionally bad happens on the day other than the fact that we may be punished more during trainings, cause of our own mistakes. Other than some chatting around with friends about how “bad” this day could get, nothing bad actually happens.

All in all, I believe that the validity of superstitions is actually in one person’s minds. If one only believes in science, and its explanation, they will not believe in superstitions. However, I still believe in certain superstitions, such as the one about not sweeping the floor during the first day of Chinese New Year. I find that each culture actually has their own set of superstitions, and they are all quite interesting. However, their validity is actually up to the person who reads up on them.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Putting oneself in another person's shoes ( To Kill A Mockingbird)

What does it mean to put oneself in another person’s shoes?

I will now talk about what it means to put oneself in another person’s shoes and also my feelings.

Putting oneself in another person’s shoes simply means that sympathise and not to pity a person. Sympathise means to feel and see things in that person’s perspective whereas pity means that one feel that he is lucky that he is not that person. In order to be able to do this, we must be thinkers, meaning that we must be sensitive and know what affects that person and what possible thoughts would that person have towards that event, and thus be able to make the right comment that will not affect that person negatively.

I feel that putting oneself in another person’s shoes is very important.If all of us are able to put ourself in the other person’s shoes, we would definitely reduce the amount of unnecessary conflicts between ourselves. This is because of the fact that we are able to understand each other and thus, we will know the reasons as to why that person is doing such a thing. For example, if Person A is feeling upset and doing things properly, we must find out why he is doing so. Perhaps, something unfortunate happened to one of his family member or that he is just throwing a tantrum. By doing so, we will know the situation and be able to help that person.

In conclusion, if we are able to put ourselves in another person’s shoes, we will not only be able to help that person, we will always be able to make the right comments and help to understand him.

Lastly, we must also learn from the character of Atticus from the story. He is able to put himself in other characters shoes, for example Bob Ewell even though Bob Ewell actually insulted him and spat him in the face. He is also able to feel for everyone, and understand why they actually committed a certain action.

Done By: Gordon Koh 2i115

Friday, February 18, 2011

Personal Response (4)

Harper Lee’s novel is full of interesting and richly painted characters. Which character was your favourite and why?

My favourite character is Atticus Finch. Firstly, I like the way he teaches Scout and Jem. Atticus, actually teaches them the right values, such as not being prejudiced, as compared to other children within the story who are actually biased against Negroes.

Next, I admire him for keeping his calm. After the court case, Bob Ewell scolded and insulted him. Instead of doing the same back to Bob, he actually kept his calm and walked away, and took it that nothing actually happened. If it was me, I do not think that I would actually be able to do that, and that I would actually flare up. Atticus is also witty, in the way of him handling things. He does what is necessary and avoided conflict with others. By doing so, Atticus set a good example and a role model for his children to follow in.

Atticus also defended a Negro with all his effort, and despite losing the case, he was still very persistence to help Tom Robinson. Handling a lawsuit for a Negro at that time was considered a taboo, and that they would be nicknamed “Negro-lover” and would also be ridiculed in public. However, Atticus stuck on, and helped Tom to the best of his efforts. Atticus also understands others. This meant that Atticus always tries to understand the other party before doing anything, and he knows how to put himself into another person’s shoes. This shows the Atticus is actually a very consciences person and that he actually bothers to think from another perspective, unlike other characters who just act based on impulse or similar reasons.

All these are the reasons as to why I feel that Atticus Finch was my favourite character in the short story.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Personal Response (3)

Did the ending of the novel surprise you? If you were the author would you have ended the story differently? Explain.

The ending of the novel surprised me. Mr Bob Ewell died after trying to attack Scout and Jem, and also the fact that Boo actually made an appearance to save them. As the previous parts of the story, describing Boo as a negative person, I did not really expect him to make an appearance in the story at all.

Next, I would have ended the story differently. Firstly, Mr Bob Ewell would not die, but instead, he will be sent to jail. This is to show a punishment for his actions, and also with him being sent to jail, feel that it would give a more satisfactory ending. As compared to just dying, Bob Ewell should also feel how it is like in jail, and how Tom Robinson felt. Other than this, I would not change anything else. Firstly, if I changed the ending to not having Boo appearing, then, Scout and Jem would not look up to Boo and the society of Maycomb would still think that Boo was a “monster”.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Friday, February 11, 2011

Personal Response (2)

As I followed the action in the courtroom, what character did I empathize with most and least? Explain.

I empathized most with Tom Robinson. He was questioned by Bob Ewell’s lawyer harshly, as if he was the guilty one. I believe that to all those who were watching the trial, they would definitely feel that Tom Robinson was innocent, however, Bob Ewell’s lawyer treated Tom Robinson as if he was the guilty one and everything that occurred was all his fault and he had to take up the responsibility and pay for his crime. In the public’s eyes, I believe that they too felt that Tom Robinson was innocent, however, the jury still found him guilty. He was punished for a crime which he had been set up, which was made very obvious to the juries during Atticus’ questionings, however because of the fact that he was a black, he was still found guilty.

I empathised the least with Bob Ewell. The reason being, he framed Tom Robinson for something which he had not done. Next, Bob Ewell just lives off social welfare, and does not doing anything decent for a living. He also lied during the trial and he made others lie along as well.

However, i do empathise with another of the Ewells, who is Mayella Ewell. She was forced by her father to frame the person that helps her with no hesitation. Although, the jury still found Tom Robinson guilty, but it was quite obvious by how Atticus questioned her, that actually shows us that Tom Robinson was actually guilty. At the very least, Mayella showed a sense of guilt about accusing Tom, unlike her father, Bob Ewell. I believe that she felt very bad while accusing Tom, however, she dared not admit it due to her father. This is the main point of why i actually empathise with her. (Point given by Kee Xuan)

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Personal Response (1)

What memories of my own childhood come to mind as I read about Scout's experiences?

As i read about Scout's experiences from the books, lots of memories of my very own childhood came flashing back to me. Firstly, when I read about how Dill and her brother, Jem, hung out together and did not include her with them, I remembered about how my cousins, back then who were already in upper primary treated me whenever we have a gathering. They would just talk among themselves, and as I was from the lower primary, I had no idea about what they were talking about. Whenever, I go near them to ask them about what they were talking about, they would just call me to go away or they would just ignore me.

I also remembered how my cousins only called for me to get them drinks when I was younger whenever they came over to my house, and ignored me for everything else. This was like how Jem and Dill only called for Scout when they were hanging out together.

Next, when I read about how Jem, Scout and Dill believed the myths and rumours of the Radley place, I remembered back then when I was younger, how my cousins ( I have 12 cousins) who were in secondary school, would scare me by telling me tales about what happens when you look into a mirror in the middle of the night and tales like that. Being ignorant at that time, most of us including me, fell for it, and we got spooked for quite some time and did not look at the mirror at all. My parents told me that it was false and not to believe in it just like how Atticus told Jem and Scout, however, like Jem and Scout, I ignored it, and instead decide to look at the mirror in the middle of the night, and nothing happened. Only then, did I not believe in my cousin’s tales. This scenario was just like how Scout and Jem stuck to the rumours until Boo Radley actually came out to help Scout, which was also like my case.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Narrative Viewpoints

Hi guys! Today, i shall talk about when i would use the first-person narrative as well as the third-person narrative.

In a nutshell, I would use the first-person narrative when I want to let the reader feel closer to the main character. I would be able to do this as I can express the feelings of the main character easily, as all actions and events are typically seen through his eyes. This also allows me to share the view points and thoughts of the main character to the reader. By writing in a first-person narrative, I am also able to try and create suspense, as the feelings and thoughts of the other characters such as the protagonist, are not expressed. Also, by using the first-person narrative, I am able to express clearly and describe clearly how each event or happening has affected the character, thus allowing the character to easily connect with the reader.

In a nutshell, I would use the third-person narrative when I want to express the views of most characters and to describe all events as if the reader could see them all at once. Next, I would use this narrative where I want to let the reader understand a bit of each different characters, and thus, allowing the reader to know the story better. This narrative should be used when there is no need for suspense, as this narrative will tend to spoil the suspense. This narrative is also easier to use, as one does not need to be very talented as one can express the views of everything easily as compared to the first-person narrative, where all feelings and thoughts of other characters must be written carefully so as to not spoil the first person narrative effect.

~Gordon (:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Description of a beach.

Hi guys, today i shall share about my description of a beach.

It was a cooling and windy evening. The Sun was just setting and it gave the sky a cast of bright orange light. I was enjoying the wonderful sunset as well as the cooling wind. I could feel the wind blowing strongly against my face, and it felt cooling and refreshing at the same time. The coconut trees rustled their fronds wildly, as if the fronds were about to fly off with the wind. The sand on the beach was light brown in colour, but had turned slightly orange due to the orange rays of the setting Sun. The waves too were moving in unison, and splashing against the shore, as if the wind was pushing them. The soft splash of the waves created a soothing atmosphere. The colour of the waves seemed brightened up as they reflected the orange rays of the Sun. There were houses nearby, near the beach, and they were brown in colour, as if trying to match the colour of the sand on the beach. The scenery of the beach was breathtaking and enjoyable.

~Gordon (:

Monday, January 24, 2011

Home Learning Lesson 24/01/2011

Hi guys, i have done my comic strips. Please do look through them.

The reason i chose the background for the first panel of the comic strip is due to the fact that i wanted to show that this story has taken place in Singapore, as the background is a typical Singapore HDB flat.
For the second panel, i have chosen the background of a typical home in Singapore, and i have chosen to use the elderly to tell his grandchild about his own discrimination against indians, due to the fact that i have heard many of these cases, and i too have also experienced it before.
As for the next four backgrounds from panel three to six, i decided to use the playground background. Playgrounds can be found all over singapore, and children tend to play there. This also shows a case of whereby, the elderly's discrimination affecting the younger generation, whose minds are not yet mature. While for the last panel, i decided to use the same background again to show that the children have learnt from their mistake and they are playing together with other races.
In this story, the main characters are basically the grandson, the grandfather,the adult, and the indian child. The grandson is affected by his grandfather's view towards indians and so were the other children in the playground. I have seen many cases of indians being discriminated and thus,i have decided to use an indian child. Also, the adult plays a role, in a sense whereby he teaches the children the right thing, which is to not discriminate against other races. The main point of this story is to tell everyone that we should not be prejudiced against other races and we should all coexist peacefully in Singapore, so as to allow Singapore to progress.

Done by: Gordon Koh 2i115